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There is far of hype about alternative medicines, and of options are certainly with little value. Of course there is a lot of hype about regular medicines, a few of which do as much harm as good. The fact that natural remedies and treatments rarely hurt people just like prescription drugs is one reason to at least try it. Here are a few should vouc… Read More

It seems that as we age our require for prescription drugs increases. My father is provides you with 60's and when he takes 6 different medicines a day just to remain alive. My mother is within their 60's also and she gets a whole basket full. I guess this is a trendy event beneath age folks are living longer than they have before; so, I wasn't sho… Read More

Jednak aby móc skorzysta? z tej ulgi, trzeba spe?ni? okre?lone warunki. Z naszego artyku?u dowiesz si?, jakie s? kryteria kwalifikacyjne, kogo dok?adnie dotyczy ulga, jakie oszcz?dno?ci mo?na uzyska?, a tak?e jakie mog? by? ewentualne konsekwencje podatkowe. Przeczytaj, jak mo?esz odci??y? swój bud?et firmowy ju? w tym roku!Biuro Rachunkowe NUMER… Read More

Ju? od listopada 2024 roku przedsi?biorcy b?d? mogli skorzysta? z d?ugo wyczekiwanej ulgi w op?acaniu sk?adek ZUS, czyli tzw. wakacji sk?adkowych. To nowa forma wsparcia finansowego, która pozwoli na miesi?czny urlop od obowi?zkowych sk?adek na ubezpieczenia spo?eczne.Biuro Rachunkowe NUMERA wychodz?c naprzeciw oczekiwaniom przedsi?biorców, ?wiad… Read More